Flower Girl Dresses: #5810 Ivory Alencon Lace Leotards and Tulle Skirts for Fall or Winter Weddings

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

~Of all the laces I have in stock, this #5810 IVORY alen­con lace is favorite!


~ Please read WINTER 2015 FLOWER GIRL & 2015 Spring Flower Girl Dress­es posts to learn more about the dresses.

~ This blog post show­cas­es the Ivory #5810 lace leotard.

If you want the cur­rent lace & dress options, please email me at [email protected]. I will send you a Pay­pal invoice when you’re ready to order!

~ Please read FAQ’s on the new Ana­gras­sia web­site homepage

~My flower girl dress­es are leo­tards + very poofy tulle skirts. (They are basi­cal­ly mini ball gown dress­es.) The skirts have 13–15 lay­ers of tulle and take a large amount of time and mate­ri­als to make. (They are not the skirts that have tulle tied around an elas­tic waist­band.) Skirt prices vary depend­ing on the length of the skirt.

~ #581o WHITE alen­con lace now in stock

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Gigi (Above) is wearing:

~IVORY #5810 alen­con Lace leo­tard with #5 CREAM lining

~CHAMPAGNE TONED skirt with CHAMPAGNE satin sash

Please note she wears her skirt fre­quent­ly and it has seen bet­ter days 🙂

Also, her skirt has 3–4 less lay­ers than the skirts I nor­mal­ly make and sell.

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with CREAM Lining

Unlined Long Sleeves


Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

 Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with CREAM Lining

Unlined Long Sleeves

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress


#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with IVORY lining

Unlined Short Sleeves

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

(IVORY Tulle Skirt and IVORY sash)

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

The skirt is sold with the sash attached so that the sash does’t slip dur­ing the mass/ceremony/reception. You can eas­i­ly remove the sash if need be.

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

Alencon, ivory, white, lace, leotard, bridal, wedding, flower, girl, dress
Best Sum­mer. I will miss these girls togeth­er! <3

Please con­tact me if you’re inter­est­ed in order­ing a leo­tard! Remem­ber that the price of the leo­tard will increase this fall!

Thanks for reading!

~Mary Grace “Marusya”

Alencon, ivory, white, lace, leotard, bridal, wedding, flower, girl, dress, blush, cream, onesie, fall, winter, champagne, black, communion, tulle, tutu, floral, crown, anagrassia, south bend, photographer, bodysuit, flower girl, chantilly, flower girl, flower, floral, crown, winter, fall, top, best, handmade, custom, couture

28 thoughts on “Flower Girl Dresses: #5810 Ivory Alencon Lace Leotards and Tulle Skirts for Fall or Winter Weddings

  1. Amina

    Hi I’m won­der­ing how much is the tutu flower girl dress


    1. marusya

      Hi Ami­na! I tried send­ing you an email but the email did not send. Please send me anoth­er email address. Thanks! ~Mary Grace


  2. Andrea

    Hi!! I must have this flower girl dress for my niece. It’s beau­ti­ful!! How can I order it??


    1. marusya

      Thanks Andrea! I just sent you an email!


  3. Erika

    I am inter­est­ed in a short sleeved tutu dress for my daugh­ter. She will be 18 mos at the time of the wed­ding. Can you send me information


    1. marusya

      I just sent the email! Have a hap­py New Years!


  4. Kimberly

    Hel­lo I’m 14 and I was want­i­ng a dress like this so I won­der if you could do one for my and was the price


  5. Kimberly

    Also how long does it take to make them


  6. Sierra

    Hi would you please send me infor­ma­tion on your pieces please. My wed­ding is August 2016 and have 2 flower girls.


    1. marusya

      Hi Sier­ra! I just sent you the cat­a­logue and order form. Please let me know if you have any questions.
      Take care, Mary Grace


  7. Jenny

    Hi…getting mar­ried in 2017. Fell in love with this leo­tard look for my flower girls. Can I get prices please? Thanks you!


    1. marusya

      Thanks Jen­ny! I just sent you an email! ~Mary Grace


  8. Kristin

    Hi there. I love these. I need 2 of them for my daugh­ters. My wed­ding is August 13. My daugh­ters are 2 and 1 year old.
    Thank you


  9. maribel de luna

    Hi! I was won­der­ing if you could send me prices on your prod­ucts? I have a niece who will be my flower girl. Do you offer rush shipping?


  10. Jessica Mangiameli

    My sis­ter is get­ting mar­ried in May and my daugh­ter is her flower girl. I was won­der­ing how much a short sleeved flower girl dress would be with the attached skirt. My daugh­ter will be almost 2 at the time of the wed­ding. Thank you so much for your time. Jessica


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