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Custom Pieces for My Nieces

burdastyle 147 09 2013 Dress Red Blue Floral Cotton Kitty cat Black White Childrens
Gigi with one of her 3 Maine Coon buddies

Here are a cou­ple dress­es I made for my niece Gigi and my (not-yet-here) niece (which I’ll call) “Kiki.”  My sis­ter snapped a few pho­tos of Gigi in the dress­es. (The dress sizes are 12mos and 6mos, so they are a bit big on Gigi.)

I used Bur­dastyle’s Baby Pat­tern #147 Dress 9/2013 for the dresses.

The beau­ti­ful flo­ral print dress is for Kiki. I absolute­ly love this dress! This design not only fits my style, but it also reminds me of my old­er sis­ter and the house­coat I made her for her bridal show­er gift. Also, the illus­trat­ed flow­ers look like they could’ve been drawn by my old­er sister!

Gigi’s dress is the red, black, and white kit­ty cat dress. If you knew my sis­ter (Gigi’s moth­er) when she was younger (or even as an adult), you know that this cot­ton fab­ric print is per­fect for Gigi!

I was hop­ing to whip these dress­es up in no time, but they took more time than I expect­ed! It’s a bit more dif­fi­cult to sew tiny set-in sleeves and machine fin­ish hems. Because of this, the dress­es required a lot of hand stitch­ing and basting.

I’ll post Kik­i’s bap­tismal dress after her bap­tism next year!

Tear-Away inter­fac­ing used for buttonholes

I hope you had a nice Thanks­giv­ing. Thanks for reading!

Please keep my old­er sis­ter and “Kiki” in your prayers!


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