Anagrassia Atelier

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Blood. Sweat. Tears. New Com­mer­cial Space! A glimpse of the new Ana­gras­sia Ate­lier!Thank you to all those who believed in me and encour­aged me along the way! I look for­ward to grow­ing Ana­gras­sia and creating/starting a non-prof­it men­tor­ing & train­ing pro­gram for teens & pre­teens in 2016/2017! And a spe­cial shout-out to my lit­tle appren­tice Gigi! Thanks Gigi! ...


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“Those who cre­ate are rare; those who can­not are numerous. There­fore, the lat­ter are stronger.” –Coco Chanel _____________________________ Pub­lished May 16,2013 Wel­come to the Marusya Blog!* *Ask before repost­ing Marusya Marusya posts or photos. *The blog only rep­re­sents Marusya. The voice/style of blog does not reflect nor rep­re­sent any­one else (includ­ing sponsors)....