Silk Lace Bridal Blouse

silk lace bridal blouse

Pub­lished 06/18/2014 One of the ben­e­fits of sell­ing on the web is reach­ing peo­ple worldwide! I was recent­ly con­tact­ed by a bride in Aus­tralia about mak­ing flower girl dress­es for her July (win­ter) wed­ding. Instead of a Chan­til­ly lace for the leo­tards, she chose the alen­con lace I had in stock. As beau­ti­ful as the lace was, I had nev­er used the lace and was appre­hen­sive about cut­ting and design­ing...

Dreaming Florals: Past, Present & Future

floral silk dress woman

Pub­lished 2/12/2014 I admit I am slight­ly obsessed with flo­ral prints. This may seem strange, since I rarely wear prints or colors. If you were to peek into my clos­et, you’d find neu­tral cloth­ing with small splash­es of col­or­ful flo­ral print­ed gar­ments! You might think­ing to your­self, “How come she wears col­or­ful flo­ral prints and not wear oth­er prints or sol­id col­ors?” Well, I think it’s because of my Ukrain­ian mother! I...

Designer Black Wool Jacket

Womens designer coat and jacket made with black cashmere wool, real lamb leather cuffs and button,, pleated waist and brown gold silk lining.

A cus­tomer in an Ana­gras­sia black wool coat with soft & real (lamb) leather cuffs and but­tons and silk lin­ing. The cinched and belt­ed waist makes the sports jack­et very flat­ter­ing, sporty, and chic for women.  This hand­made jack­et is made with all nat­ur­al fibers and tru­ly sustainable.  Shop the out­er­wear on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Wom­ens Black Wool Coat...

Bright Blue Embroidered Face Mask

bright blue face mask with folk ukrainian hand embroidery

New face mask to spread cheer! Shop Here: Embroi­dered Face Mask Ukraine Ukrainian Face Mask: ~Hand Embroi­dered Ukrain­ian Cross Stitch­ing (Bright Blue, Pur­ple, Maroon, Pink, Orange, Yel­low, and Green Thread Colors ~White Cot­ton Aida Cloth ~Light Blue Linen Lining ~ Soft White, Very Stretchy & Adjustable Straps...