Light Blue Sailor Dress

A girl toddler wearing a light blue sailor dress holding a boat

Ear­li­er this sum­mer, I fin­ished these col­or block sailor dress­es for tod­dlers. Nautical Dress Details: ~Hand­made with light blue and white ray­on fabric (The ray­on has a beau­ti­ful hand and drape.) ~White col­lar edged with beige cot­ton pom pom trim ~Sleeve­less ~Back brown but­tons Shop dress here: Light Blue Sailor Dress...

Silk Baptismal Gown

silk pleated heirloom baptismal gown inspired by joan of arc

“Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our pro­tec­tion against the wicked­ness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heav­en­ly Host,by the Divine Pow­er of God,cast into hell Satan and all the evil spir­itswho roam through­out the world seek­ing the ruin of souls. Amen.” Silk Christening Gown This pleat­ed Ana­gras­sia bap­tismal gown is inspired by “Joan of Arc” and the Saint...

Green Wool Capes for Kids

Little girls in green cape with santa clause; decorating tree

Ana­gras­sia kids capes are great for back-to-school, fall, win­ter, and Christ­mas. The hol­i­day out­er­wear is a sus­tain­able fash­ion piece that can be worn for mul­ti­ple years by either boys or girls.  You can shop the here: Dark Green Wool Cape Holiday Kids Cape: ~ 100% Wool (Ital­ian green Melton wool used in the images below) ~Hood­ed Cape (Hood is lined with 100% tan wool.) ~Slit open­ings for arms ~Cognac Real Leather (or Gold Met­al) Buttons...

Flower Girl Dresses

Flower girls in dresses and riding wedding cart wagon

I recent­ly fin­ished new hand­made flower girl dress­es for tod­dlers in Flori­da. These silk and tulle dress­es are per­fect for beach wed­dings. And if you add the Ana­gras­sia girls fur jack­et, they are great for win­ter wed­dings & hol­i­day events too! The old­er sis­ter is wear­ing the Regal Flower Girl Dress by Ana­gras­sia. The bodice of this dress is a beau­ti­ful dia­mond white silk wool with silk charmeuse lin­ing. The...

Floral Pinafore Dress

Light blue and floral pinafore dress

Girls Floral Cotton Dress: A vin­tage inspired flo­ral sum­mer dress for your lit­tle girl, baby, and tod­dler. The dress bodice and hem are made with a light blue quilt­ing cot­ton.  A col­or­fulflo­ral water­col­or print cot­ton is used for the body of the dress. A men’s white eye­let cot­ton shirt­ing is used for the large pinafore ruf­fles that wrap around the bodice Frosty White but­tons run down the back.The bodice is ful­ly lined with the white cot­ton used for the flut­ter sleeves.  ...

Dark Green Wool Jacket

dark green wool jacket

Pub­lished 10/22/2018 Here is a recent cus­tom ordered sports jack­et for women. Wool Leather Jack­et for Women: ~100% heavy satin dark green wool  ~Dark brown real Ital­ian leather cuffs ~ Belt­ed and cinched waist ~Deep lapels to waist (made with bespoke tai­lor­ing tech­niques and hand stitches) ~Ful­ly Lined with modal tex­tiles (Web­site sells the jack­et with silk lining) ~ Gold and Brown Eagle but­tons (The cen­ter but­ton is sup­posed to rep­re­sent the Raven­claw...