Sustainable Fashion Plaid Jackets, Solid Wool Cape, and Wool Leather Coats for Midwest Family

girls wool coats

What will the world look like in 20 or 30 years? Will peo­ple con­tin­ue to wear dis­pos­able cloth­ing? (The aver­age life span of a gar­ment is 3 years.) Will fast fash­ion com­pa­nies exist? Will the fash­ion indus­try con­tin­ue to be the #2 pol­luter in the world? These are the ques­tions being asked in the fash­ion indus­try right now. Not only are fash­ion com­pa­nies wast­ing mil­lions of pounds of unsold gar­ments...

Black Silk Gazar Ball Gown

black silk ball gown

Arti­cle pub­lished July 2019 SHOP THE DRESS HERE: SILK GAZAR BLACK FLORAL GOWN SHOP THE PURSE HERE: HAND EMBROIDERED LEATHER HANDBAG Floral Silk Gown Cristo­bel Balen­ci­a­ga is my favorite fash­ion design­er and arguably the most ver­sa­tile and tal­ent­ed design­er in mod­ern his­to­ry. Because of his tire­less sac­ri­fice, dili­gence and high stan­dards, he made our lives more beautiful.  I recent­ly watched a Youtube doc­u­men­tary and one fash­ion indus­try pro­fes­sion­al remarked, “For Balen­ci­a­ga, design­ing clothes was more...

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered and Italian Calf Leather Luxury Handbags

One of a kind luxury designer hand Ukrainian blue green embroidered wristlet purse handbag with cognac or brown italian calf leather with zipper by Anagrassia

Here are some Ukrain­ian hand embroi­dered purs­es I’ve made over the years for fam­i­ly and friends.  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag Hand­bag Details:  9.5″ x 6″ Ukrain­ian Hand Embroi­dery (Choose your colors) Real Ital­ian or Argen­tin­ian Cognac Calf (Very High Qual­i­ty) Leather Strap & Back  Ful­ly Lined  Inside Pock­et  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag...

Alencon Lace Leotard Flower Girl Dress

lace bodysuit flower girl dress

Style #5320 Lace Leo­tard is back in stock!  Here are pho­tos of the new #5320 IVORY lace with (new) GOLD lin­ing with CHAMPAGNE TONED tiered tulle skirt with IVORY sash. This dress was made for a NYC (Jay Fund) char­i­ty auc­tion in Octo­ber. A fam­i­ly friend was so kind to mod­el the dress for me, so the leo­tard is slight­ly loose on her. (Thank you “K” for mod­el­ing!!!)  If you’re inter­est­ed in the...

Silk Skirt Designed by Jo No Fui for Burda & Silk Top

Jo No Fui Alessia Giacobino Silk Skirt Blouse BurdaStyle Marusya

  I want­ed to make some­thing spe­cial to wear to my friend’s rehearsal dinner. Instead of trav­el­ing else­where for fine fabric(s) and spend­ing mon­ey, I tried to find a fab­ric to use from my fab­ric stash.  After search­ing for some­thing sim­ple and clas­sic, I found some beige silks I bought from Mood Fab­rics in NYC last year. I orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to use the beige silk for a gown. But after using...