Ukrainian Embroidered Lace Dress

hand ukrainian embroider dress sewing

Khrys­tos Voskres! Christ is risen! Phew! Lent is over and true to tra­di­tion; I bare­ly fin­ished my annu­al East­er dress for East­er Mass. Every year at this time, I design and sew a Ukrain­ian inspired East­er dress. This year, I had trou­ble choos­ing between 4 dress designs. So by the time I nailed down a design and start­ed the embroi­dery, it was already half way through Lent. Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Dress A...

Insect and World Map Girl Dresses

cotton play dresses

Back to School Dresses One of the most pop­u­lar Pic­co­las & Malen’­Ka Col­lec­tion gar­ments are the petal sleeve dress­es. The cot­ton dress­es are great for every­day wear, machine wash­able, and last for a long time.  Order your back to school dress today here:  Insect Dress: Bug Dress World Map Dress: World Map Dress DRESS DETAILS: 100% Cot­ton Dress  (The fab­ric is pre-shrunk and washed in baby detergent.) Dress Details- Back But­tons, Petal Sleeves, and...

Boyfriend Style Women’s Blazer

Boyfriend Style Women's Blazer

Long Cashmere Blazer for Women Pub­lished 11/30/2017 Back to our Roots Those of us born in the 80’s like­ly feel a strong attach­ment to the decade. And just as we who lean on our moth­ers for sup­port as we become moth­ers our­selves might begin to resem­ble them, we who have added Adi­das Orig­i­nals to our wardrobes are also dress­ing like them too. Espe­cial­ly in our fam­i­ly where my father, who played pro­fes­sion­al...

Lace Bridal Leotards & Bodysuits for Adults

alencon lace bodysuit

*~The lace leo­tards are cus­tom made and will fit the cus­tomer bet­ter than the sam­ple leo­tards pic­tured on mod­els seen in most blog photos~* _____________________________ If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) adult bridal leotard/bodysuit, please con­tact me (Mary Grace0 via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. I’m cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. (Etsy shop is tem­porar­i­ly closed until December.) __________ R E...

Navy Wool Jacket with Leather Cuffs

navy wool womens jacket

Pub­lished August 30, 2019 Below are more pho­tos and details for Girl #1’s Coat from the Sus­tain­able Fash­ion Plaid Jack­ets blog post. Navy Wool Coat: This is the same coat design as the Plaid Tweed Wool Jack­et, Navy Wool Jack­et, and Dark Green Wool Jack­et. How­ev­er, I adjust­ed the shoul­ders, sleeves, and length to bet­ter fit a teenager.  (I think the shoul­ders on the orig­i­nal pat­terns were orig­i­nal­ly a bit too wide. I...

Long Sleeves Flower Girl Dress

Mary Grace Anagrassia Flower Girl Dress Lace and Tulle skirt

One Year Anniversary of the Anagrassia Lace Flower Girl Dress (Date first pub­lished Decem­ber 5, 2014) I real­ly can’t believe it’s been one year since I made my first flower girl dress! It was the begin­ning of a new chap­ter in Anagrassia. I want to thank all my read­ers and recent cus­tomers over this past year. I real­ly appre­ci­ate your sup­port and busi­ness. (And I’m real­ly grate­ful to those who pushed me...