Anagrassia Atelier

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Blood. Sweat. Tears. New Com­mer­cial Space! A glimpse of the new Ana­gras­sia Ate­lier!Thank you to all those who believed in me and encour­aged me along the way! I look for­ward to grow­ing Ana­gras­sia and creating/starting a non-prof­it men­tor­ing & train­ing pro­gram for teens & pre­teens in 2016/2017! And a spe­cial shout-out to my lit­tle appren­tice Gigi! Thanks Gigi! ...

Anagrassia Alencon Lace Flower Girl Dresses

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A N A G R A S S I A  ~ F L O W E R~ G I R L ~D R E S S E S If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) bridal or First Holy Com­mu­nion dress, please con­tact Mary Grace via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. Mary Grace is cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. __________ R...

New Winter 2015 Anagrassia Flower Girl Dress Styles

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A N A G R A S S I A    F L O W E R    G I R L S Pho­tos tak­en by Pho­tog­ra­phy by Anastassia If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) bridal or First Holy Com­mu­nion dress, please con­tact Mary Grace via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. Mary Grace is cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. __________...