Niece’s Easter Dress (THOMMY Dress with Hand Painted Lace)

Lace Linen Tulle Flower Girl Unique Dress

Here are a few pho­tos of my niece’s East­er dress this year. It’s the Thom­my Dress design with hand-paint­ed (Style #5284) lace. The Thom­my Dress is made with a detach­able tulle skirt/sash. My niece’s dress (below) was made with­out the tulle attach­ment. Shop the dress here...

Peony Floral Cotton and Linen Crop Top Dress for Girls

Pink Poppy Peony Floral Cotton Linen Dress Crop Top Style for Girls. Great for Easter, Spring, Weddings, holidays, birthdays, Bat Mitzvahs Anagrassia Melan'Ka

This crop top style dress is a new design in the Ana­gras­sia Melan’­Ka Col­lec­tion. It is made with 100% flo­ral cot­ton, 100% linen, and ray­on (bodice) lining. The dress is avail­able in sizes 12mos-Girls 8. Shop the dress here           See video of dress­es on Insta­gram here Flo­ral Cot­ton Linen Crop Top Dress Girls...

Dmitri’s Ukrainian Embroidered Christening Gown with Lace and Silk Lining

ukrainian embroidered boys baptismal gown

I made this bap­tismal gown last spring for my nephew, Dmitri. It’s sim­i­lar to the gown I made my oth­er nephew (and oth­ers), except my sis­ter chose bold col­ors instead of sil­vers, whites, and blues. The gown is hand embroi­dered with a tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian pat­tern and silk lined.        ...

Burdastyle Charcoal Modal Cotton Cross Over Long Crop Dress

I made this dress for my trip to Europe last year. I heard Euro­peans wear pants and long dress­es, so I made the dress long with side slits.  I did­n’t take pho­tos of the dress in Europe, but I grabbed a few pho­tos when I wore it to a din­ner & dance last May. I don’t like tight dress­es so I made size 38. (I nor­mal­ly wear size 36.) The shoul­ders were a bit too wide...

Burdastyle Hand Embroidered Linen Easter Dress 2018

EASTER Ukrainian embroidered burdastyle anagrassia dress 26

Every year I chose my East­er dress pat­tern and embroi­dery at the begin­ning of Lent. I then work on it and any oth­er spir­i­tu­al goals I may have until the big day arrives. I am joined by my entire fam­i­ly who tries to take advan­tage of this sea­son­al oppor­tu­ni­ty. It is often a chore, espe­cial­ly when the weath­er is so drea­ry. But prayer­ful per­sis­tence is reward­ed with a col­or­ful riot...