Tino’s Baptism

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered Baptismal Christening White Blue Boys Gown; Tan Camel Beige Champagne Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Cloak Coat Champagne Leather Block

Just before the new year, my nephew was baptized. He wore his broth­er’s Ukrain­ian hand-embroi­dered chris­ten­ing gown. The gown was made for a baby 2–3 months old, so the gown was a bit snug around his arms. The gown is white linen with very light ivory lace inserts. This gown was inspired by the Ukrain­ian gowns my babcha made for her grandsons. My sis­ter, Katie, wore her new Bur­dastyle wool cash­mere...

Burdastyle Wool Navy High Neck Cape with Gold Irish Buttons

Handmade Anagrassia long Navy Wool Tailored Cape Coat Jacket with high collar and gold irish buttons. Notre dame football tailgates. Burdastyle sewing pattern.

Here is anoth­er adult cape I made this season. This cape was made with 100% wool and gold Irish buttons. I used Bur­dastyle’s 9/2015 #115 sewing pattern. The only change I made to the pat­tern were the place­ments of buttons/buttonholes. I also hand-stitched all the edges/hems of the cloak, instead of adding piping/bias tape trim. This cape is very warm and per­fect for Notre Dame foot­ball tail­gates & games in the fall!...

Tan Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape with Lapels & Collar

Handmade Anagrassia Tan Camel Beige Champagne Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Coat Jacket with beautiful English Rayon. Created with pockets, lapels, slit & collar

This fall & hol­i­day was the sea­son of capes! I made lots of them!  (I will post more pho­tos of capes on the blog soon.) Here is one of the adults capes, which I made for my sis­ter. She chose the Bur­dastyle pat­tern (8/2014 #124) and tan (almost cham­pagne) wool cashmere. It’s a tai­lored cape, so I used bespoke tai­lor­ing tech­niques for the lapels. The com­bi­na­tion of soft, thick, and (some­what)...

So Much Dishonesty in One Photo

The girls in this pho­to were some of my first cus­tomers. I’ll nev­er for­get them because I real­ly enjoyed work­ing with them and they were the first ones to ever wear (and helped design) the #0908 lace leotard. But in just this one screen­shot, you can see so much dishonesty. First, the image was water­marked by 2 (maybe 3) dif­fer­ent Chi­nese companies. Sec­ond, the pho­to is used for anoth­er Etsy...

Beauty is More than Skin Deep

michigan cheerleader vintage 80s 70s look alike

I would like to share a sto­ry on my mother’s birthday. When I was a young, inse­cure and freck­led-face child, I would nego­ti­ate with God when my requests were big or seemed impos­si­ble.  For exam­ple, “If you give me X, I’ll give you Y in return”. One of my prof­fered deals in my night­ly litany was, “Make me beau­ti­ful like my moth­er and I promise to be virtuous.” As you...