Flower Girl in White Lace, Champagne Lining, and White Tulle Communion Style Dress

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

Here is a recent dress I made for a flower girl in Florida. Dress Details: “Com­mu­nion” Style Dress (Full Dress) White Alen­con Flo­ral Lace  Cap & Lined Sleeves Cham­pagne Bodice Lining 6 Lay­ers of White Tulle and 1 Lay­er of Cham­pagne Satin Cham­pagne Satin Sash Cham­pagne Satin Buttons Back Hid­den Zip­per and Hook & Eye Enclosures Shop www.anagrassia.com here: Com­mu­nion Style Cus­tom Dresses...

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered and Italian Calf Leather Luxury Handbags

One of a kind luxury designer hand Ukrainian blue green embroidered wristlet purse handbag with cognac or brown italian calf leather with zipper by Anagrassia

Here are some Ukrain­ian hand embroi­dered purs­es I’ve made over the years for fam­i­ly and friends.  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag Hand­bag Details:  9.5″ x 6″ Ukrain­ian Hand Embroi­dery (Choose your colors) Real Ital­ian or Argen­tin­ian Cognac Calf (Very High Qual­i­ty) Leather Strap & Back  Ful­ly Lined  Inside Pock­et  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag...

Ivory Alencon Lace Bolero Topper for Bride

A custom ivory/white bridal wedding alencon lace topper bolero jacket with three quarter long sleeves and off the shoulder with scallop neckline for winter/fall

Recent­ly, I cre­at­ed a cus­tom #5810 ivory alen­con lace wed­ding bolero for a bride in Colorado.  The top­per’s neck­line was made to show off the lace’s beau­ti­ful scal­lop edge.  It took a cou­ple mock-ups and a few adjust­ments before I nailed down the final design and fit.  The pho­to above shows the last mock-up, before the final cut. As you can see, I need­ed to take it in a bit in the...

French Alencon Lace and Ivory Tulle Flower Girl Dress for a Girl in France

Ivory french lace with gold lining flower girl communion dress with cap sleeves and tulle skirt and satin sash bow and back buttons. Dress custom and handmade

Here is a recent cus­tom order for a lit­tle girl in France. Click here to order your spe­cial occa­sion dress Hand­made Dress Details: “COMMUNION DRESS” Style (This dress was COMMUNION dress style. The FLOWER GIRL dress­es are seper­ates; lace leo­tard + tulle skirt. The FLOWER GIRL dress­es have big­ger tulle bot­toms and cost a bit more. Click here to pur­chase a flower girl dress or email Mary Grace for an updat­ed...

Tessa’s White and Ivory First Holy Communion Lace and Tulle Dress

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

This sea­son, a por­tion of my cus­tom orders are from refer­rals and return­ing customers.  Below are pho­tos of Tes­sa in her Ana­gras­sia First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. She is a cousin to one of my first cus­tomers and her fam­i­ly has pur­chased a vari­ety of Ana­gras­sia items over the years. (Thank you!) Tes­sa’s Spe­cial Occa­sion Dress Details: ~Com­mu­nion Dress Style ~White #5320 French Alen­con Lace ~Ivory 100% Silk Jer­sey Lining ~White Tulle (6...