Little Black Dress for Girls with White Lace Collar

Girls Little Black Dress lace Collar

Last year, I made this lit­tle black dress for a girl.  The dress was for a solemn event.  Dress Details: Black Ponte Knit Textile White Lace Col­lar and Trim Three Quar­ter Sleeves White and Black Embroi­dery Trim Back Zip­per Enclosure Con­tact Mary Grace to order a cus­tom LBD for girls or shop lit­tle black dress for girls...

Communion Silk Wool Dress with Illusion Neck

Communion Silk Dress Illusion Neck

I recent­ly made this beau­ti­ful white silk wool dress with illu­sion neck­line for a lit­tle girl receiv­ing her First Holy Com­mu­nion. Due the Covid-19 and the quar­an­tine orders, we haven’t had the girl try on the dress yet. I make future adjust­ments to this dress after the final fitting.  Silk Communion Dress: White Silk Wool Textile Silk Charmeuse Lining White Dot­ted Net­ting for Illu­sion Neckline Cot­ton Pom Pom Trim  This dress...

Ukrainian Challah Braided Paska Bread Recipe

Ukrainian Braided Challah Braided Bread

My recipe for my fam­i­ly’s Ukrain­ian “Pas­ka” bread. Ingre­di­ents: 7 cups of all-pur­pose flour 2 pack­ages of dry yeast (4.5 teaspoons) 2 cups of water 1/4 cup of sugar 1/4 cup of but­ter (Ker­rigold Irish But­ter is my favorite!) 2 tea­spoons of salt 3 eggs 1 egg yolk 1 table­spoon of water 1 Table­spoon of olive/sunflower oil Step 1: In large mix­er bowl com­bine 3 cups of flour and the yeast. ________________ Step 2: In saucepan, heat togeth­er...

Communion Style Lace and Tulle Dress for Canadian Flower Girl

Anagrassia  specializes in custom designer ivory lace tutu tulle dresses for girls' special occasions such as (flower girls) wedding, bat mitzvahs, Communion

I’m for­tu­nate to have made mul­ti­ple pieces for return­ing girls and fam­i­lies over the years.  Here is one such fam­i­ly, which I’ve had the plea­sure work­ing with to cre­ate cus­tom gar­ments for their spe­cial occasions/events: “K” is wear­ing a #5320 Com­mu­nion Style dress as a flower girl for a wed­ding in Cana­da. The bodice is cre­at­ed with cus­tom ordered ivory French alen­con (#5320) lace and gold shim­mery ray­on lin­ing. The sleeves...