Lace Bolero

lace wedding bolero

Pub­lished 08/21/2015 Con­tact me if you’re inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing this alen­con lace bolero. I can make it in white or ivory alen­con lace. See more blog posts about wed­ding dress jack­ets & top­pers here: Wed­ding Boleros Shop the wed­ding dress pieces here: Off-the-shoul­der short sleeves: Lace Wed­ding Bolero Long sleeves: Lace Wed­ding Bolero with Sleeves This bolero required a lot of hand sewing and cou­ture techniques. Mark­ing where the hook & eyes &...

New York City Bespoke Tailor

NYC Bespoke Tailor

The Art of Bespoke Tailoring Bespoke Tai­lors serve men and women who believe the dif­fer­ence between style and fash­ion is qual­i­ty, where each suit is: -Ful­ly hand-cut -An orig­i­nal pattern -Con­formed to a customer’s unique measurements -Craft­ed from the world’s finest fabrics -Detailed and hand-stitched by a mas­ter tailor Com­pare this to ready-to-wear and off-the-rack suits. You may have some­thing to wear, but does it ele­vate your game? The Best of Both...

Silk Flower Girl Mask

silk flower girl mask

New masks for flower girls, wed­dings and brides.  Flower Girl Face Mask Details: ~ Light Ivory Chan­til­ly Lace from France ~ White Silk Faille Outer ~ White cot­ton shirt­ing for lining ~ White (very stretchy) rayon/poly bands for ear ties ~ Pock­et if you want to add a filter Shop on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Silk Flower Girl Mask Watch video in Etsy list­ing to see the stretch­i­ness of the bands: White Silk...

Illusion Neckline Lace Communion Dress

Illusion Neckline Lace Communion Dress

Shop this dress on Ana­gras­sia Cou­ture web­site here: Illu­sion Neck­line Lace Communion I did­n’t make many First Holy Com­mu­nion dress­es this year because I was in New York City before Covid-19 hit Amer­i­ca. How­ev­er, I did com­mit to mak­ing a cus­tom dress for my sis­ter’s god­daugh­ter this year. Along with my sis­ter, the First Com­mu­ni­cant designed her own cus­tom dress, which remind me of the wed­ding dress­es worn by Princess...

Colorful Lace and Tulle Couture Dress

Colorful Flower Girl Dress

Pub­lished 5/10/20219 I had the plea­sure of mak­ing Stel­la’s First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. She is a cousin to one of my very first customers.  Hand Painted Couture Girls Dress: COMMUNION dress style (It’s a full dress with a lace and ray­on upper bodice and satin and tulle low­er skirt.) This dress is part of the HOUSE OF GODFREY COLLECTION  #5284 “Pink” Hand-Paint­ed Bodice (Flo­rals are also paint­ed in green, lime, red,...

Flower Girl Dress for Canadian Wedding

Lace tulle flower girl dress

A cou­ple beau­ti­ful pho­tos tak­en by cana­di­an pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Megan Kemshead Pho­tograpy. The wed­ding was in Edmon­ton at the styl­ish and time­less wed­ding venue, Fair­mont Hotel Mac­don­ald. The flower girl is wear­ing the top sell­ing flower girl dress design, which is a lace body­suit and tutu. Lace Flower Girl Dress Details: ~#5320 Ivory Lace Leo­tard with cap and unlined sleeves ~Lace body­suit is ful­ly lined with #6 light nude poly/rayon ~One­sie has...