Ukrainian Embroidered Products this Fall

hand embroidered silk blouse

Pub­lished 08/28/2018 I’m excit­ed to FINALLY fin­ish some Ukrain­ian embroi­dered projects and share them this fall. One of the projects has been in the works since Sep­tem­ber 2017. Here are just a few pho­tos of some of the mock-ups and sam­ples of the prod­ucts com­ing out soon! Gigi pho­tographed in her sam­ple dress for her very first vyshyvanka! Bur­dastyle Pat­tern 06/2018 Folk Dress for Girls...

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Dress

Pub­lished 12/20/2013  Clothes real­ly are worth pass­ing on. Cer­tain pieces are made to last and are impor­tant ele­ments of the sto­ries that tell the his­to­ry of a love, a fam­i­ly, and how things came to be the way they are. That hideous fur coat? It shows the streak of reck­less ele­gance that runs in the fam­i­ly, just as those point­ed leather cow­boy boots do, worn for generations. First Ukrainian Dress I...

Long Floral Kimono Jacket

Long Floral Jacket

Pub­lished April 7, 2018 Hap­py East­er! (Read more about my East­er dress here and Gigi’s East­er dress here) Here are pho­tos of my Flo­ral East­er Jacket.  I used Bur­dastyle’s 08/2016 Coat #116 pat­tern. (Pat­tern adjust­ments: FULLY LINED, SIDE SLITS, LOWER BACK PIECE CUT ON FOLD) I used the Egypt­ian cot­ton lin­ing scraps from Beranger’s jack­et. Work In Progress…Choosing the pock­et design and placement....

Ukrainian Challah Braided Paska Bread Recipe

Ukrainian Braided Challah Braided Bread

My recipe for my fam­i­ly’s Ukrain­ian “Pas­ka” bread. Ingre­di­ents: 7 cups of all-pur­pose flour 2 pack­ages of dry yeast (4.5 teaspoons) 2 cups of water 1/4 cup of sugar 1/4 cup of but­ter (Ker­rigold Irish But­ter is my favorite!) 2 tea­spoons of salt 3 eggs 1 egg yolk 1 table­spoon of water 1 Table­spoon of olive/sunflower oil Step 1: In large mix­er bowl com­bine 3 cups of flour and the yeast. ________________ Step 2: In saucepan, heat togeth­er...