Flower Girl Dresses

Flower girls in dresses and riding wedding cart wagon

I recent­ly fin­ished new hand­made flower girl dress­es for tod­dlers in Flori­da. These silk and tulle dress­es are per­fect for beach wed­dings. And if you add the Ana­gras­sia girls fur jack­et, they are great for win­ter wed­dings & hol­i­day events too! The old­er sis­ter is wear­ing the Regal Flower Girl Dress by Ana­gras­sia. The bodice of this dress is a beau­ti­ful dia­mond white silk wool with silk charmeuse lin­ing. The...

Floral Embroidered Face Mask

Purple and green hand embroidered face mask with Ukrainian design

A beau­ti­ful & hand embroi­dered face mask for women using authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery designs. This flo­ral design uses col­ors: pur­ple, lilac, pink, magen­ta, green, yel­low, and lime. It’s made-to-order, so it’ll shipped out 1.5–3 weeks after the order is placed. Shop this mask here: Flo­ral Ukrain­ian Face Mask Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth~Linen Lin­ing~DMC 100% Cot­ton Thread made in France~Open­ing for a fil­ter~1/8″ Elas­tic Bands These masks are not...

Adult Tulle Skirt

Ivory Adult Tulle Skirt

Here are a few of the ivory and cham­pagne adult tulle skirts from over the years.  The wom­en’s tutu is hand­made in the Ana­gras­sia Ate­lier and you can shop the skirt here: Ivory Tulle Bridal Skirt Tulle Skirts for Women ~ 5–6 lay­ers of seam­less tulle & each lay­er indi­vid­u­al­ly hand gathered ~Poly satin ivory or cham­pagne lining ~Inside lace trim hem ~Back invis­i­ble zipper ~Hook & Eye enclosure ~Satin Waist­band ~Unat­tached or...

Hand Embroidered Face Masks

Rainbow embroidered face mask with Ukrainian embroidery

Rainbow Embroidered Face Mask A bright face mask made using an authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery design. The hand­made face cov­er­ing uses a vari­a­tion of red, orange, yel­low, green, and black threads that are cross stitched on 100% cotton. Ukraini­ans are known to hand embroi­der EVERYTHING, so it’s no sur­prise that more and more Ukraini­ans are sport­ing embroi­dery on their face masks. With the manda­to­ry face mask laws in place until...

Lace Bolero

lace wedding bolero

Pub­lished 08/21/2015 Con­tact me if you’re inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing this alen­con lace bolero. I can make it in white or ivory alen­con lace. See more blog posts about wed­ding dress jack­ets & top­pers here: Wed­ding Boleros Shop the wed­ding dress pieces here: Off-the-shoul­der short sleeves: Lace Wed­ding Bolero Long sleeves: Lace Wed­ding Bolero with Sleeves This bolero required a lot of hand sewing and cou­ture techniques. Mark­ing where the hook & eyes &...

Floral Pinafore Dress

Light blue and floral pinafore dress

Girls Floral Cotton Dress: A vin­tage inspired flo­ral sum­mer dress for your lit­tle girl, baby, and tod­dler. The dress bodice and hem are made with a light blue quilt­ing cot­ton.  A col­or­fulflo­ral water­col­or print cot­ton is used for the body of the dress. A men’s white eye­let cot­ton shirt­ing is used for the large pinafore ruf­fles that wrap around the bodice Frosty White but­tons run down the back.The bodice is ful­ly lined with the white cot­ton used for the flut­ter sleeves.  ...