Silk Baptismal Gown

silk pleated heirloom baptismal gown inspired by joan of arc

“Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our pro­tec­tion against the wicked­ness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heav­en­ly Host,by the Divine Pow­er of God,cast into hell Satan and all the evil spir­itswho roam through­out the world seek­ing the ruin of souls. Amen.” Silk Christening Gown This pleat­ed Ana­gras­sia bap­tismal gown is inspired by “Joan of Arc” and the Saint...

Silk Wedding Rehearsal Dress

silk wedding rehearsal dress

Blush Silk Wool Dress Pub­lished 6/23/2014 How many times have you gone shop­ping for that spe­cial dress and instead of find­ing the per­fect dress, you find mul­ti­ple dress­es wish­ing you could blend them all into one.Meet Lisa (then) bride-to-be that faced this dilemma.  When we met in May, she brought over sev­er­al white dress­es. Each dress had a fea­ture she want­ed, such as fab­ric, gath­ered skirt, skirt length, etc. But none...

Ukrainian Embroidered Mask

Woman holding a Ukrainian hand embroidered face mask

Shop here: Ukrain­ian Embroi­dered Mask Rainbow Embroidered Face Mask  A rain­bow col­ored face mask made using an authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery (folk geo­met­ric) design. The hand­made face cov­er­ing uses a vari­a­tion of red, orange, yel­low, green, blue and black threads that are cross stitched on 100% cot­ton.  Ukraini­ans are known to hand embroi­der EVERYTHING, so it’s no sur­prise that more and more Ukraini­ans are sport­ing embroi­dery on their face masks. With the manda­to­ry face mask laws in place until...

Wedding Face Mask

Ivory silk and lace face mask for brides

It is unclear if masks pro­tect us from catch­ing the virus, but experts believe the cov­er­ings pre­vent sick peo­ple from shar­ing droplets with oth­ers. There­fore, my wed­ding face masks cov­er the mouths to stop the spread of droplets, but loose enough around the nose for fresh air.  The wed­ding face masks are made with a dia­mond white silk wool. (Dia­mond white is shade between bright white and ivory.) The silk wool’s shine and struc­ture make it a beau­ti­ful option....

Ukrainian Mens Shirt

Ukrainian hand embroidered men's shirt

A hand embroi­dered men’s shirt by Anagrassia.  Shop here: Ukrain­ian Mens Shirt Men’s Vyshyvanka Details: The white cot­ton vyshy­van­ka is cross-stitched with red, black, blue, green, yel­low, orange, and white threads.  The embroi­dery is based off authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian geo­met­ric folk & Tryzub patterns.  (Tryzub is Ukraine’s coat of arms) The dress shirt is cut like a mod­ern day men’s woven shirt.  Hand­made red and yel­low cot­ton thread tas­sels hand from embroi­dered nehru...

Green Wool Capes for Kids

Little girls in green cape with santa clause; decorating tree

Ana­gras­sia kids capes are great for back-to-school, fall, win­ter, and Christ­mas. The hol­i­day out­er­wear is a sus­tain­able fash­ion piece that can be worn for mul­ti­ple years by either boys or girls.  You can shop the here: Dark Green Wool Cape Holiday Kids Cape: ~ 100% Wool (Ital­ian green Melton wool used in the images below) ~Hood­ed Cape (Hood is lined with 100% tan wool.) ~Slit open­ings for arms ~Cognac Real Leather (or Gold Met­al) Buttons...