Sewing Pillows with Cording

how to sew pillows

Pub­lished 1/13/2014 Recent­ly,  I fin­ished these col­or­ful dec­o­ra­tive pil­lows for a friend. The fab­rics I used were an embroi­dered polyester/cotton for the body and brown vel­veteen fab­ric for the out­er piping. Once I began cut­ting and sewing, I  was on a roll and thought I’d start and fin­ish the pil­lows in one night (maybe 2). But after fin­ish­ing one the pil­low cov­ers the first night & stuff­ing them with the...

Communion Silk Wool Dress with Illusion Neck

Communion Silk Dress Illusion Neck

I recent­ly made this beau­ti­ful white silk wool dress with illu­sion neck­line for a lit­tle girl receiv­ing her First Holy Com­mu­nion. Due the Covid-19 and the quar­an­tine orders, we haven’t had the girl try on the dress yet. I make future adjust­ments to this dress after the final fitting.  Silk Communion Dress: White Silk Wool Textile Silk Charmeuse Lining White Dot­ted Net­ting for Illu­sion Neckline Cot­ton Pom Pom Trim  This dress...

Charcoal Flower Girl Dress Sketch

Sketch Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

A few years ago, my sis­ter gift­ed me with a char­coal flower girl dress sketch of my niece in her Ana­gras­sia lace leotard/bodysuit and tulle skirt. It’s one of my favorite gifts to date. (I cried when I received it from my niece.) If you would like to order a sketch of your daughter/niece/goddaughter, please con­tact me and I will con­nect you with my sis­ter. (At this point, she will only...

New Zealand Wedding with Flower Girl in Anagrassia Ivory Lace and Champagne Tulle Long Sleeve Communion Style Dress

flower girl dress

Ear­li­er this sum­mer I had a lit­tle girl be a flower girl in a gor­geous wed­ding in New Zealand. Shop here: Com­mu­nion Style Cus­tom Dresses Dress Details: “Com­mu­nion” Dress Style Alen­con Ivory Lace Bodice Cham­pagne Lining Long and Lined Lace Sleeves with hid­den but­tons on the cuffs 6 Lay­ers of Cham­pagne and Ivory Tulle and 1 Lay­er of Ivory Satin Cham­pagne Satin Sash Back Satin Buttons Back Invis­i­ble Zip­per with hook and eye...

Flower Girl in White Lace, Champagne Lining, and White Tulle Communion Style Dress

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

Here is a recent dress I made for a flower girl in Florida. Dress Details: “Com­mu­nion” Style Dress (Full Dress) White Alen­con Flo­ral Lace  Cap & Lined Sleeves Cham­pagne Bodice Lining 6 Lay­ers of White Tulle and 1 Lay­er of Cham­pagne Satin Cham­pagne Satin Sash Cham­pagne Satin Buttons Back Hid­den Zip­per and Hook & Eye Enclosures Shop here: Com­mu­nion Style Cus­tom Dresses...

Ivory Alencon Lace Bolero Topper for Bride

A custom ivory/white bridal wedding alencon lace topper bolero jacket with three quarter long sleeves and off the shoulder with scallop neckline for winter/fall

Recent­ly, I cre­at­ed a cus­tom #5810 ivory alen­con lace wed­ding bolero for a bride in Colorado.  The top­per’s neck­line was made to show off the lace’s beau­ti­ful scal­lop edge.  It took a cou­ple mock-ups and a few adjust­ments before I nailed down the final design and fit.  The pho­to above shows the last mock-up, before the final cut. As you can see, I need­ed to take it in a bit in the...