Plaid Jacket for Kids

Plaid wool kids jackets

(Writ­ten Fall 2018. Post­ed late on the blog.)  Next on the piece fea­tured in the Fron­tier Col­lec­tion by Pic­co­las by Ana­gras­sia is the plaid jack­et for kids. The tar­tan coat is made with a brown and green lum­bar jack style wool tex­tile. The design is made with gold cuffs and a wide col­lar. The fall out­wear is intend­ed with girls in mind, but it is also great for boys. Shop check coat...

Part 1 Piccolas by Anagrassia’s “Frontier” Fall Collection: The Kid’s Sports Jacket

Handmade High End Designer Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Coat Jacket & Leather with Plaid Tartan Skirts Dresses with Ukrainian hand embroidered couture blouses

It’s offi­cial­ly fall in North­ern Indi­ana. Our warm sum­mer nights have tran­si­tioned into crisp cool days. The leaves have lost their vibrant greens and tak­en on a myr­i­ad of amber, gold­en and crim­son hues. A few remain, cling­ing to trees, but most are blan­ket­ing the ground where they’ve fall­en, just wait­ing for an eager child to rake them into piles for jumping. And right down the street, in a shop...