Plaid Women’s Blazer

Green Plaid Women's Sport Jacket

Pub­lished March 13, 2019 Women’s Sport Jacket Hap­py (ear­ly) St. Patrick­’s Day! Today, I’m shar­ing one of my recent cus­tom orders. Here is a sports jack­et/blazer for a lady.  I used Gor­don tar­tan wool from Eng­land. This dark green, navy, and gold check is a clas­sic Scot­tish tar­tan named after the House of Gordon. The pock­ets and sleeve hem bind­ing were made with soft cognac (real) South Amer­i­can leather. (The but­ton is also...

Flower Girl Face Masks

flower girl face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished new face masks for flower girls in wed­dings or chil­dren receiv­ing First Holy Communion. The face cov­er­ings are made with a dia­mond white silk wool. (Dia­mond white is shade between bright white and ivory.) The silk wool’s shine and struc­ture make it a beau­ti­ful option. The out­er lay­er is made with very light ivory laces from France. Shop for the mask on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Flower Girl Face Masks...

Illusion Neckline Lace Communion Dress

Illusion Neckline Lace Communion Dress

Shop this dress on Ana­gras­sia Cou­ture web­site here: Illu­sion Neck­line Lace Communion I did­n’t make many First Holy Com­mu­nion dress­es this year because I was in New York City before Covid-19 hit Amer­i­ca. How­ev­er, I did com­mit to mak­ing a cus­tom dress for my sis­ter’s god­daugh­ter this year. Along with my sis­ter, the First Com­mu­ni­cant designed her own cus­tom dress, which remind me of the wed­ding dress­es worn by Princess...

Red Tweed and Leather Jackets

Womens wool Coat

Pub­lished 02/11/2016 Shop sim­i­lar jack­ets for women here: Sus­tain­able Fash­ion for Women Shop Ana­gras­sia chil­drenswear here: Con­tem­po­rary Lux­u­ry Childrenswear Pho­tos by Pho­tog­ra­phy by Anastassia Have you ever found a beau­ti­ful fab­ric that was so per­fect that you were afraid to do any­thing with it? A bad design or an errant cut could ruin it for­ev­er (or so you think). This red tweed was def­i­nite­ly such a challenge. Dur­ing a Christ­mas 2014...

Boyfriend Style Women’s Blazer

Boyfriend Style Women's Blazer

Long Cashmere Blazer for Women Pub­lished 11/30/2017 Back to our Roots Those of us born in the 80’s like­ly feel a strong attach­ment to the decade. And just as we who lean on our moth­ers for sup­port as we become moth­ers our­selves might begin to resem­ble them, we who have added Adi­das Orig­i­nals to our wardrobes are also dress­ing like them too. Espe­cial­ly in our fam­i­ly where my father, who played pro­fes­sion­al...

Plaid Women’s Wool Jacket

Plaid Women's Wool Coat

MISSION Our mis­sion is to make the world more beau­ti­ful. More than an ide­al, it is also very prac­ti­cal. When it comes to shar­ing life and all that it holds, we are on the same team. The throw­away men­tal­i­ty of a fast-fash­ion cul­ture is not sus­tain­able. Nor is it desir­able. Geor­gio Armani once said, “The dif­fer­ence between fash­ion and style is qual­i­ty.” Good qual­i­ty lasts and is there­fore always in style, because it...