Flower Girl Dresses

Flower girls in dresses and riding wedding cart wagon

I recent­ly fin­ished new hand­made flower girl dress­es for tod­dlers in Flori­da. These silk and tulle dress­es are per­fect for beach wed­dings. And if you add the Ana­gras­sia girls fur jack­et, they are great for win­ter wed­dings & hol­i­day events too! The old­er sis­ter is wear­ing the Regal Flower Girl Dress by Ana­gras­sia. The bodice of this dress is a beau­ti­ful dia­mond white silk wool with silk charmeuse lin­ing. The...

Floral Pinafore Dress

Light blue and floral pinafore dress

Girls Floral Cotton Dress: A vin­tage inspired flo­ral sum­mer dress for your lit­tle girl, baby, and tod­dler. The dress bodice and hem are made with a light blue quilt­ing cot­ton.  A col­or­fulflo­ral water­col­or print cot­ton is used for the body of the dress. A men’s white eye­let cot­ton shirt­ing is used for the large pinafore ruf­fles that wrap around the bodice Frosty White but­tons run down the back.The bodice is ful­ly lined with the white cot­ton used for the flut­ter sleeves.  ...

Red Tweed and Leather Jackets

Womens wool Coat

Pub­lished 02/11/2016 Shop sim­i­lar jack­ets for women here: Sus­tain­able Fash­ion for Women Shop Ana­gras­sia chil­drenswear here: Con­tem­po­rary Lux­u­ry Childrenswear Pho­tos by Pho­tog­ra­phy by Anastassia Have you ever found a beau­ti­ful fab­ric that was so per­fect that you were afraid to do any­thing with it? A bad design or an errant cut could ruin it for­ev­er (or so you think). This red tweed was def­i­nite­ly such a challenge. Dur­ing a Christ­mas 2014...

Boys Oxford Shirt with Wooden Buttons

Boys blue striped oxford

Pub­lished 12/08/2013 Shop Ana­gras­sia here: Con­tem­po­rary Lux­u­ry Chil­drenswear Clothing ________________________________ Striped Oxford Shirt for Boys Last year, I picked up this blue striped design­er fab­ric from Mood Fab­rics in New York City. I want­ed to buy  a shirt­ing cot­ton that was good qual­i­ty, unique and cute for lit­tle boy. Mood had such a large selec­tion of shirt­ing cot­tons that at first it seemed impos­si­ble to choose one fab­ric. But as soon as...

Yellow Baby Crib Bumpers

yellow crib pads

Pub­lished 06/01/2014 Phew! Just in time! After 8 hours of cut­ting, pin­ning, bast­ing, and sewing, I fin­ished the baby bumpers just before the birth of my first niece/nephew! (My sis­ter is keep­ing the gen­der and name a sur­prise. Hence the yel­low and gray baby room col­ors!) My sis­ter searched for crib bumpers online and in stores, but the bumpers she found and liked were around $200. So (of course), she...