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Burdastyle Hand Embroidered Linen Easter Dress 2018

EASTER Ukrainian embroidered burdastyle anagrassia dress 26

EASTER Ukrainian embroidered burdastyle anagrassia dress 19

Every year I chose my East­er dress pat­tern and embroi­dery at the begin­ning of Lent. I then work on it and any oth­er spir­i­tu­al goals I may have until the big day arrives. I am joined by my entire fam­i­ly who tries to take advan­tage of this sea­son­al oppor­tu­ni­ty. It is often a chore, espe­cial­ly when the weath­er is so drea­ry. But prayer­ful per­sis­tence is reward­ed with a col­or­ful riot of cre­ativ­i­ty and design on East­er morn­ing when it all man­i­fests itself in embroi­dery, clothes, icons, pysanky, dec­o­ra­tive breads and oth­er deli­cious food. It is fun­ny how my father (who is the only non-Ukrain­ian among us), seems to appre­ci­ate it more than any of us

This year, I chose Bur­dastyle’s 08/2017 #120 dress for the pat­tern and blush linen for the textile.

I began by fin­ish­ing the embroi­dery on linen first before I trans­ferred all the pat­tern pieces to paper. Note that if I hadn’t includ­ed embroi­dery, I would have used a dif­fer­ent tex­tile for this pat­tern, because the wrinkly linen did not look good with the bias seams and front pleats. But despite this, the dress is real­ly cute, the pock­ets are use­ful, and the wrinkly linen looked bet­ter in per­son than in pho­tos. If I have time, I’ll make this dress again with Ponte.

I used size 36. It fit well, but if I were to make it again with a woven cloth, I would prob­a­bly make it a size 38, as it was a bit too snug for my taste and comfort.

Hap­py Easter! 

(Pho­tos of the flo­ral East­er jack­et com­ing soon!)

The linen dress was a bit wrin­kled after the 3 hour East­er ser­vice and mass.

Work in progress photos

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