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Bridesmaid Dress: A Little Something For Myself

katie wedding bridesmaid dress for marusya

We are get­ting clos­er by the day, and there is so much sewing to be done that it’s actu­al­ly start­ing to feel like work (just a lit­tle bit). Tak­ing a break to make my own dress is the per­fect med­i­cine…my excite­ment is ful­ly restored and I am back to the draft­ing table!

My sis­ter and her fiancé will have no bridal par­ty, only their two wit­ness­es. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, they are called “atten­dants”. But who are we kid­ding? We both know it means I am the Maid of Hon­or. Dress the part, Marusya!

I broke one of my own rules for this dress. It is poly­ester, but take a look at the print and decide for your­self. I saw it and fell in love. Also, it is the col­or palette my sis­ter was going for AND on clear­ance! For a cel­e­bra­tion of love it seems right that I should have strong feel­ings for my dress.

The dress might seem a lit­tle unortho­dox, but it fits me and will look won­der­ful in the chapel full of rich jew­el tones. Plus, I think my sis­ter has been influ­enced by the Euro­pean wed­ding cul­ture. No one match­es, no one wears brides­maids dress­es. There is always col­or and excit­ing prints, hats and state­ment pieces. Peo­ple have so much fun, and the women are always stun­ning because they wear things that actu­al­ly fit them. So, in the end we’re both happy!

I’m cur­rent­ly pat­tern­ing the dress, I will add more pho­tos in a blog post this week­end or next week! I’ve already slight­ly changed the pat­tern from what you see in my illustration.

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