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Beauty Begins When You Embrace Your Flaws ‑Chanel

Beauty Begins When you ebrace your flaws Chanel Freckles
This pho­to is a lit­tle too bright and there­fore hard to see my freckles.

Since I can remem­ber, I’ve always had freck­les. Grow­ing up, adults always com­ment­ed on how “cute” my freck­les were. And because of those com­ments (and prob­a­bly the fact that my mom did­n’t have lots of facial freck­les), I’ve had a love/hate rela­tion­ship with my freckles.

My mom swore that my freck­les would fade as I grew old­er, but they nev­er did. And since high school, I’ve worn foun­da­tion to cov­er my freck­les and hide my dis­col­orations. How­ev­er over­time I’ve embraced my freck­les, but I admit that I still wear light cov­er­age to light­en my freckles.

Recent­ly, I went shop­ping for a new light foun­da­tion make-up for a wed­ding com­ing up (which I will have a hand­ful projects to post after this wed­ding).

After test­ing a few prod­ucts, the lady at Chanel found some great cov­er­age for me. But the iron­ic thing was that after dis­cussing with her about my desire to find a light cov­er­age which could also light­ened my freck­les, I received this rib­bon from the Chanel counter!  I laughed with the lady because if I tru­ly embraced my flaws (which in this case- my freck­les), I would­n’t need their make-up!

More sewing posts com­ing next week! 

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