Couture Flower Girl Dresses by House of Godfrey

flower girl dresses

Pub­lished 6/16/17 In col­lab­o­ra­tion with my sis­ters, I cre­at­ed the H O U S E  of  G O D F R E Y designs in sum­mer 2016. Over the last year, I have test­ed the designs, fit, and wash with fam­i­ly, friends and loy­al customers 🙂 I plan to final­ly (and offi­cial­ly) release some of the designs in September! Stay tuned!...

Ukrainian Boys Baptismal Embroidered Gown

Ukrain­ian embroi­dered white linen boys bap­tismal gowns inspired by the gowns my babcha cre­at­ed (many years ago) and cas­socks worn by priests. The gown is lined with white silk charmeuse. Before the hand­made thread ties Pin­tucks One of the gowns was made with a lighter weight linen ____________________ One of the gowns cre­at­ed by my babcha many years ago...

Spring Floral Jacket with Wide Collar

Floral Spring Easter Colorful Rose Jacket Coat Wide Collar Pockets Anagrassia Kids Children Fully Lined Cuffs Slit

Here is one of the flo­ral coats I cre­at­ed for one of my dear­est goddaughters. I will have a few extra spring jack­ets avail­able for sale on Etsy soon. The but­tons used on the jack­ets are from a Mil­wau­kee antique shop. These but­tons are beau­ti­ful. I wish I knew who was the orig­i­nal own­er of the buttons. Ful­ly Lined Jacket...