So Much Dishonesty in One Photo

The girls in this pho­to were some of my first cus­tomers. I’ll nev­er for­get them because I real­ly enjoyed work­ing with them and they were the first ones to ever wear (and helped design) the #0908 lace leotard. But in just this one screen­shot, you can see so much dishonesty. First, the image was water­marked by 2 (maybe 3) dif­fer­ent Chi­nese companies. Sec­ond, the pho­to is used for anoth­er Etsy...

Beauty is More than Skin Deep

michigan cheerleader vintage 80s 70s look alike

I would like to share a sto­ry on my mother’s birthday. When I was a young, inse­cure and freck­led-face child, I would nego­ti­ate with God when my requests were big or seemed impos­si­ble.  For exam­ple, “If you give me X, I’ll give you Y in return”. One of my prof­fered deals in my night­ly litany was, “Make me beau­ti­ful like my moth­er and I promise to be virtuous.” As you...

Niece’s Easter Dress (THOMMY Dress with Hand Painted Lace)

Lace Linen Tulle Flower Girl Unique Dress

Here are a few pho­tos of my niece’s East­er dress this year. It’s the Thom­my Dress design with hand-paint­ed (Style #5284) lace. The Thom­my Dress is made with a detach­able tulle skirt/sash. My niece’s dress (below) was made with­out the tulle attach­ment. Shop the dress here...

Peony Floral Cotton and Linen Crop Top Dress for Girls

Pink Poppy Peony Floral Cotton Linen Dress Crop Top Style for Girls. Great for Easter, Spring, Weddings, holidays, birthdays, Bat Mitzvahs Anagrassia Melan'Ka

This crop top style dress is a new design in the Ana­gras­sia Melan’­Ka Col­lec­tion. It is made with 100% flo­ral cot­ton, 100% linen, and ray­on (bodice) lining. The dress is avail­able in sizes 12mos-Girls 8. Shop the dress here           See video of dress­es on Insta­gram here Flo­ral Cot­ton Linen Crop Top Dress Girls...

Dmitri’s Ukrainian Embroidered Christening Gown with Lace and Silk Lining

ukrainian embroidered boys baptismal gown

I made this bap­tismal gown last spring for my nephew, Dmitri. It’s sim­i­lar to the gown I made my oth­er nephew (and oth­ers), except my sis­ter chose bold col­ors instead of sil­vers, whites, and blues. The gown is hand embroi­dered with a tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian pat­tern and silk lined.        ...