Tessa’s White and Ivory First Holy Communion Lace and Tulle Dress

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

This sea­son, a por­tion of my cus­tom orders are from refer­rals and return­ing customers.  Below are pho­tos of Tes­sa in her Ana­gras­sia First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. She is a cousin to one of my first cus­tomers and her fam­i­ly has pur­chased a vari­ety of Ana­gras­sia items over the years. (Thank you!) Tes­sa’s Spe­cial Occa­sion Dress Details: ~Com­mu­nion Dress Style ~White #5320 French Alen­con Lace ~Ivory 100% Silk Jer­sey Lining ~White Tulle (6...

Navy Wool and Brown Real Leather Woman’s Custom Jacket

A navy wool cashmere jacket coat with brown real leather with gold buttons for Notre Dame. Bespoke custom tailoring Worn with Ukrainian hand embroidered blouse

Here is a project from ear­li­er this year. It’s anoth­er wool jack­et like my pre­vi­ous jack­ets. The jack­et is 100% navy wool with Eng­lish ray­on lin­ing and real gen­uine (Made in Chica­go) leather cuffs. I love this jack­et and plan to make many more! The lapels and waist pleats make the jack­et very flat­ter­ing and chic. I think the cur­rent but­tons will even­tu­al­ly be replaced with new but­tons that have more...

Blush and Gold Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Linen and Lace Baptismal Gown for Baby Girl

floral embroidered bapstimal gown

This morn­ing, I would like to share a project I start­ed dur­ing the hol­i­days and fin­ished in Jan­u­ary. It’s a cus­tom ordered girl’s Ukrain­ian bap­tismal gown. The embroi­dery was made by hand and then hand sewn to the hand­made linen gar­ment. The gown and cap are lined with silk charmeuse. The lace used along the hem is from France. This design will improve and change over time.I plan to start...