Lace Bridal Leotards & Bodysuits for Adults

alencon lace bodysuit

*~The lace leo­tards are cus­tom made and will fit the cus­tomer bet­ter than the sam­ple leo­tards pic­tured on mod­els seen in most blog photos~* _____________________________ If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) adult bridal leotard/bodysuit, please con­tact me (Mary Grace0 via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. I’m cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. (Etsy shop is tem­porar­i­ly closed until December.) __________ R E...

Navy Wool Jacket with Leather Cuffs

navy wool womens jacket

Pub­lished August 30, 2019 Below are more pho­tos and details for Girl #1’s Coat from the Sus­tain­able Fash­ion Plaid Jack­ets blog post. Navy Wool Coat: This is the same coat design as the Plaid Tweed Wool Jack­et, Navy Wool Jack­et, and Dark Green Wool Jack­et. How­ev­er, I adjust­ed the shoul­ders, sleeves, and length to bet­ter fit a teenager.  (I think the shoul­ders on the orig­i­nal pat­terns were orig­i­nal­ly a bit too wide. I...

Ukrainian Embroidered Products this Fall

hand embroidered silk blouse

Pub­lished 08/28/2018 I’m excit­ed to FINALLY fin­ish some Ukrain­ian embroi­dered projects and share them this fall. One of the projects has been in the works since Sep­tem­ber 2017. Here are just a few pho­tos of some of the mock-ups and sam­ples of the prod­ucts com­ing out soon! Gigi pho­tographed in her sam­ple dress for her very first vyshyvanka! Bur­dastyle Pat­tern 06/2018 Folk Dress for Girls...

White & Ivory Handmade First Holy Communion Dresses

Communion dress lace

The way my moth­er remem­bers it, I was not a fan of my First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. The very sim­ple short sleeve lace dress (my mom picked out for me) did not cut it for me back in sec­ond grade. Even though I can agree with my mom now that the dress was per­fect for my style & per­son­al­i­ty, I was not hap­py with her back then! I dis­liked the...

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Dress

Pub­lished 12/20/2013  Clothes real­ly are worth pass­ing on. Cer­tain pieces are made to last and are impor­tant ele­ments of the sto­ries that tell the his­to­ry of a love, a fam­i­ly, and how things came to be the way they are. That hideous fur coat? It shows the streak of reck­less ele­gance that runs in the fam­i­ly, just as those point­ed leather cow­boy boots do, worn for generations. First Ukrainian Dress I...

Ivory Adult Tulle Skirt

Adult Ivory white satin tulle skirt for bridal wedding

Pub­lished 01/25/2015 Skirt Descrip­tion: ~ Satin Skirt with 5 lay­ers of tulle ~ Satin waistband ~ Back invis­i­ble zipper ~ Back hook and eye enclosure ~ Back vent (satin skirt) This skirt length can be ordered above the knee or tea length. Check out the cham­pagne adult tulle skirt here You can pur­chase the skirt on etsy here (Dur­ing check­out, please send me your waist, hip, and waist to knee measurements and desired...