Colorful Lace and Tulle Couture Dress

Colorful Flower Girl Dress

Pub­lished 5/10/20219 I had the plea­sure of mak­ing Stel­la’s First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. She is a cousin to one of my very first customers.  Hand Painted Couture Girls Dress: COMMUNION dress style (It’s a full dress with a lace and ray­on upper bodice and satin and tulle low­er skirt.) This dress is part of the HOUSE OF GODFREY COLLECTION  #5284 “Pink” Hand-Paint­ed Bodice (Flo­rals are also paint­ed in green, lime, red,...

Boys Ukrainian Baptismal Gown

boys Ukrainian embroidered baptismal gown

Dur­ing the Coro­n­avirus shut­down, the world was shel­tered in place and the church­es were forced to close. Even though the world isn’t ful­ly opened at this point, we are slow­ly reopen­ing. It’s real­ly nice to have our church­es open and the sacra­ments admin­is­tered again.  In the last few weeks, I received pho­tos from (old) cus­tomers and friends who bap­tized their new­borns in Ana­gras­sia gowns passed down through their fam­i­lies. (Thank you...

Handmade Lace and Silk Wedding Dress

Couture lace silk wedding dress

Pub­lished 08/28/2013 Writ­ten By My Father: A busy sum­mer got busier with the mar­riage of our daugh­ter Katie last Sun­day. It was a beau­ti­ful day with con­tri­bu­tions made by many fam­i­ly and friends, and I would be remiss if I did­n’t acknowl­edge a few that I have not already thanked publicly. The good peo­ple of St. Michael’s Ukrain­ian Catholic Church were extra­or­di­nar­i­ly hos­pitable, and its choir excep­tion­al as they wel­comed...

Flower Girl Dress for Canadian Wedding

Lace tulle flower girl dress

A cou­ple beau­ti­ful pho­tos tak­en by cana­di­an pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Megan Kemshead Pho­tograpy. The wed­ding was in Edmon­ton at the styl­ish and time­less wed­ding venue, Fair­mont Hotel Mac­don­ald. The flower girl is wear­ing the top sell­ing flower girl dress design, which is a lace body­suit and tutu. Lace Flower Girl Dress Details: ~#5320 Ivory Lace Leo­tard with cap and unlined sleeves ~Lace body­suit is ful­ly lined with #6 light nude poly/rayon ~One­sie has...

Boys Oxford Shirt with Wooden Buttons

Boys blue striped oxford

Pub­lished 12/08/2013 Shop Ana­gras­sia here: Con­tem­po­rary Lux­u­ry Chil­drenswear Clothing ________________________________ Striped Oxford Shirt for Boys Last year, I picked up this blue striped design­er fab­ric from Mood Fab­rics in New York City. I want­ed to buy  a shirt­ing cot­ton that was good qual­i­ty, unique and cute for lit­tle boy. Mood had such a large selec­tion of shirt­ing cot­tons that at first it seemed impos­si­ble to choose one fab­ric. But as soon as...