Embroidered Irish Face Mask

Embroidered Irish Face Mask

“(Can’t) Kiss Me I’m Ukrainian Irish” Mask I recent­ly fin­ished this mask for a Ukrain­ian in Cana­da. I love the fin­ished results! It’s a fun face cov­er­ing for women with Irish and Ukrain­ian blood; or any­one who wants to wear a bright & unique mask. This green, lime, orange, yel­low, and red mask is hand embroi­dered with an authen­tic Ukrain­ian pattern. Embroidered Face Mask Details: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth ~Linen Lin­ing  ~DMC 100%...

Champagne Tulle Skirt

Champagne Tulle Skirt

Pub­lished 09/30/2014 Here’s one of my new tulle skirt designs for teens and adults. It’s a ful­ly lined cham­pagne satin skirt with over­lay­ing cham­pagne tulle layers. The back invis­i­ble zip­per and hook & eye makes this tulle skirt eas­i­er to get in and out. Shop here: Cham­pagne Tulle Skirt Ivory skirt and more designs avail­able on Ana­gras­sia website!...

Life of a Dressmaker and Entrepreneur in 2018

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered Baptismal Christening White Blue Boys Gown; Tan Camel Beige Champagne Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Cloak Coat Champagne Leather Block

Pub­lished Jan­u­ary 2019 The flow­ers of tomor­row are in the seeds of today -Proverb I will nev­er for­get 2018. It was a hard year. I grew in so many ways. Not that my dress size increased- but thanks to so many of you it didn’t shrink either. You quite lit­er­al­ly fed me through the year with help, advice, encour­age­ment and busi­ness. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful. Although I can’t pay you back...

Plaid Women’s Blazer

Green Plaid Women's Sport Jacket

Pub­lished March 13, 2019 Women’s Sport Jacket Hap­py (ear­ly) St. Patrick­’s Day! Today, I’m shar­ing one of my recent cus­tom orders. Here is a sports jack­et/blazer for a lady.  I used Gor­don tar­tan wool from Eng­land. This dark green, navy, and gold check is a clas­sic Scot­tish tar­tan named after the House of Gordon. The pock­ets and sleeve hem bind­ing were made with soft cognac (real) South Amer­i­can leather. (The but­ton is also...

Ivory Silk Cocktail Dress

ivory silk cocktail dress

Pub­lished 07/19/2013 Pat­tern: Vogue 8848 Mate­ri­als: 1 yard of Twill Silk 1/2 of Silk Charmeuse (I found it on super Clearance!) 1- 18″ White Invis­i­ble Zipper 3 yards of Inter­fac­ing (20″ wide) 1 1/2 yards Lin­ing fabric Wash­able Mark­ing Pen Sewing Machine & Scissors Silk Cocktail Dress I fell in love with this silk twill fab­ric! I chose this pat­tern because 1) it had a fuller skirt and required very lit­tle fab­ric 2)...

Flower Girl Face Masks

flower girl face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished new face masks for flower girls in wed­dings or chil­dren receiv­ing First Holy Communion. The face cov­er­ings are made with a dia­mond white silk wool. (Dia­mond white is shade between bright white and ivory.) The silk wool’s shine and struc­ture make it a beau­ti­ful option. The out­er lay­er is made with very light ivory laces from France. Shop for the mask on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Flower Girl Face Masks...