Plus Size Girls Dress

plus size girls dress

Lace Plus Size Girls Dress Shop dress here: Illu­sion Neck­line Lace Dress I designed a new spe­cial occa­sion dress for girls. The new dress is quite sim­i­lar to the “Com­mu­nion” style dress, but with a cou­ture & illu­sion neck­line. Below are more details about this new “Cather­ine” dress. Not only is this dress beau­ti­ful, it is also a great option for plus size girls. The dress is cus­tom made to fit the girls’ mea­sure­ments and style. The bodice is...

Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask

Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask

This Ukrain­ian embroi­dered face mask is for a woman on the east coast. The linen & cot­ton face cov­er­ing is cov­ered in tra­di­tion­al & authen­tic slav­ic embroi­dery design using light blue and navy threads. The ful­ly lined mask is made with fil­ter pock­ets and white elas­tic bands.  Shop her : Blue Ukrain­ian Embroi­dered Face Mask...

Handmade Bridesmaid Dress

Handmade Taupe Bridesmaid Dress

Pub­lished 10/31/2013 In my sis­ter’s wed­ding post, do you remem­ber me talk­ing about my best friend’s wed­ding the evening before my sis­ter’s wedding?! Not only did the wed­dings fall with­in 24 hours of each oth­er, but I decid­ed to make my dress for my friend’s wed­ding too! (Read more about the gown and dress I made for my sis­ter here)  Below I share some pho­tos of this dress on my...

Lace Flower Girl Mask

lace flower girl mask

As church­es open and gov­er­nors require face masks indoors, I am receiv­ing more orders for face masks. Instead of wear­ing sur­gi­cal masks, brides, moth­er-of-the-brides, and flower girls are order­ing cus­tom made and cou­ture masks for their spe­cial wed­ding day or bridal event; such as hand embroi­dered Ukrain­ian masks (which embroi­dery designs fit the bride or groom’s eth­nic­i­ty), silk face masks, and lace face cov­er­ings . Here is a new design...

Silk Flower Girl Mask

silk flower girl mask

New masks for flower girls, wed­dings and brides.  Flower Girl Face Mask Details: ~ Light Ivory Chan­til­ly Lace from France ~ White Silk Faille Outer ~ White cot­ton shirt­ing for lining ~ White (very stretchy) rayon/poly bands for ear ties ~ Pock­et if you want to add a filter Shop on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Silk Flower Girl Mask Watch video in Etsy list­ing to see the stretch­i­ness of the bands: White Silk...

Velvet Jacket for Beranger Gras

velvet men's jacket

Pub­lished 5/30/2017 One of my larg­er projects this year was also some­thing rather spon­ta­neous. I designed and con­struct­ed a jack­et for an up-and-com­ing musi­cian in Ger­many, Beranger Gras. I was excit­ed to work with Beranger because his music is a mix of clas­si­cal and grunge sounds. Not only is his style real­ly cool and unique, but his way of mix­ing and pair­ing the old with the new is what I...