Winter Flower Girl Dress

Ivory lace leotard and tulle tutu skirt flower girl dress for winter weddings

This Ana­gras­sia flower girl dress is per­fect for win­ter and fall wed­dings. The dress is hand­made and made-to-order in the Ana­gras­sia Atelier. This design is called the “Flower Girl Dress” and con­sists of a lace body­suit + big tutu. Con­tact Mary Grace if you wish to see the dress catalog. Shop lux­u­ry chil­dren’s dress here: Girls Spe­cial Occa­sion Dresses Long Sleeve Flower Girl Dress Details: ~ Hand­made by inter­na­tion­al chil­drenswear design­er...

Light Blue Sailor Dress

A girl toddler wearing a light blue sailor dress holding a boat

Ear­li­er this sum­mer, I fin­ished these col­or block sailor dress­es for tod­dlers. Nautical Dress Details: ~Hand­made with light blue and white ray­on fabric (The ray­on has a beau­ti­ful hand and drape.) ~White col­lar edged with beige cot­ton pom pom trim ~Sleeve­less ~Back brown but­tons Shop dress here: Light Blue Sailor Dress...

Anagrassia Face Mask Review

Mother daughter in embroidered face masks and stella and tide catholic religious jewelry

“I just fin­ished my class wear­ing your mask and it’s freak­ing awe­some. Thank you thank you thank you…”  ~Tess, a high school art teacher dur­ing Covid  ___________________________ Read more about the hand embroi­dered cov­er­ing here: Ukrain­ian Embroi­dery Vyshy­van­ka Mask Shop the face mask here: Embroi­dered Face Masks Shop the match­ing moth­er and daugh­ter reli­gious Stel­la & Tide jew­el­ry here: Catholic Jew­el­ry...

Silk Baptismal Gown

silk pleated heirloom baptismal gown inspired by joan of arc

“Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our pro­tec­tion against the wicked­ness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heav­en­ly Host,by the Divine Pow­er of God,cast into hell Satan and all the evil spir­itswho roam through­out the world seek­ing the ruin of souls. Amen.” Silk Christening Gown This pleat­ed Ana­gras­sia bap­tismal gown is inspired by “Joan of Arc” and the Saint...

Ukrainian Embroidery Vyshyvanka Mask

vyshyvanka ukrainian hand embroidery face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished this face mask for my sis­ter, an art teacher who want­ed a cre­ative & unique mask for her classroom.  Shop mask here: Ukrain­ian Embroi­dered Face Masks Embroidered Face Mask Details: ~The cov­er­ing is hand embroi­dered using tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian & slav­ic hand embroi­dery patterns.  ~Thread col­ors (red, black, blue, yel­low, green, and orange) are cross-stitched on white aida cloth.  ~The mask is lined with dark nav­ery pin striped cotton.  ~This...

Silk Wedding Rehearsal Dress

silk wedding rehearsal dress

Blush Silk Wool Dress Pub­lished 6/23/2014 How many times have you gone shop­ping for that spe­cial dress and instead of find­ing the per­fect dress, you find mul­ti­ple dress­es wish­ing you could blend them all into one.Meet Lisa (then) bride-to-be that faced this dilemma.  When we met in May, she brought over sev­er­al white dress­es. Each dress had a fea­ture she want­ed, such as fab­ric, gath­ered skirt, skirt length, etc. But none...