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Plaid Women’s Wool Jacket

Plaid Women's Wool Coat


Our mis­sion is to make the world more beau­ti­ful. More than an ide­al, it is also very prac­ti­cal. When it comes to shar­ing life and all that it holds, we are on the same team. The throw­away men­tal­i­ty of a fast-fash­ion cul­ture is not sus­tain­able. Nor is it desir­able. Geor­gio Armani once said, “The dif­fer­ence between fash­ion and style is qual­i­ty.” Good qual­i­ty lasts and is there­fore always in style, because it is tied to some­thing deep­er – beau­ty. Beau­ty gives us enthu­si­asm for liv­ing, and we want to build more of this into the lives of our customers.

This is our niche. In short, we believe that sus­tain­abil­i­ty can be reached by striv­ing for beau­ty. Such prod­ucts take time to make. They are cre­at­ed by skilled arti­sans, and often made in small batch­es or cus­tom-made orders. As a result, they are cher­ished, main­tained, and passed on to future generations.


The wom­an’s pleat­ed and belt­ed jack­et was a Christ­mas cus­tom order. It was made with green and red check Eng­lish Dug­dale tweed wool and ray­on lin­ing. The but­tons and cuffs were made with dark brown Ital­ian leather.

Shop tar­tan wom­en’s coat here: Green Wom­en’s Plaid Jacket

The 2 girls are wear­ing Pic­co­las by Ana­gras­sia red wool capes. You can pur­chase these sol­id and col­or block capes on the Ana­gras­sia web­site : Red Col­or Block Wool Cape or Bur­gundy Kids Cape



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