Designer Black Wool Jacket

Womens designer coat and jacket made with black cashmere wool, real lamb leather cuffs and button,, pleated waist and brown gold silk lining.

A cus­tomer in an Ana­gras­sia black wool coat with soft & real (lamb) leather cuffs and but­tons and silk lin­ing. The cinched and belt­ed waist makes the sports jack­et very flat­ter­ing, sporty, and chic for women.  This hand­made jack­et is made with all nat­ur­al fibers and tru­ly sustainable.  Shop the out­er­wear on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Wom­ens Black Wool Coat...

Womens Black Wool Coat

Black leather and wool womens jacket made with lamb leather cuffs Custom made by top international childrens designer

Shop here: Wom­ens Black Wool Coat Black Wool & Leather Jacket This black pleat­ed waist and knee-length coat is a time­less piece, hand­made by Mary Grace God­frey and will be as mem­o­rable in ten years as the first time it is worn. A stun­ning addi­tion to the Ana­gras­sia Ate­lier, the coat’s high qual­i­ty black wool and French lamb leather cuffs lit­er­al­ly bring the warmth of the hol­i­day sea­son.  See chart for stan­dard siz­ing. If you...

Women’s Tweed Sport Jacket

Tweed Women's sport coat

I have a friend who once told me, “My fam­i­ly is not just a fam­i­ly. We are a tribe.” This res­onat­ed with me because I think grow­ing up there were many fam­i­lies around me who would iden­ti­fy with this kind of fierce “stick togeth­er­ness”. I was sur­round­ed by trib­al fam­i­lies: strong, (often) large, loy­al, proud, and of course chaot­ic in the usu­al ways that work­ing imper­fec­tion can be messy. This...

Hand Embroidered Leather Crop Jacket

embroidered leather jacket

Pub­lished August 2019 My Ukrain­ian her­itage is a con­stant source of inspi­ra­tion. Some­times it might just be the work eth­ic. I have been known to work with clients on projects I think are impor­tant even when they ulti­mate­ly cost me mon­ey. But oth­er times the inspi­ra­tion is bit more obvious. Today, I am shar­ing pho­tos of my new Ukrain­ian inspired jack­et. This jack­et is made with Argen­tinean cognac calf leather and...

Dark Green Wool Jacket

dark green wool jacket

Pub­lished 10/22/2018 Here is a recent cus­tom ordered sports jack­et for women. Wool Leather Jack­et for Women: ~100% heavy satin dark green wool  ~Dark brown real Ital­ian leather cuffs ~ Belt­ed and cinched waist ~Deep lapels to waist (made with bespoke tai­lor­ing tech­niques and hand stitches) ~Ful­ly Lined with modal tex­tiles (Web­site sells the jack­et with silk lining) ~ Gold and Brown Eagle but­tons (The cen­ter but­ton is sup­posed to rep­re­sent the Raven­claw...

Red Tweed and Leather Jackets

Womens wool Coat

Pub­lished 02/11/2016 Shop sim­i­lar jack­ets for women here: Sus­tain­able Fash­ion for Women Shop Ana­gras­sia chil­drenswear here: Con­tem­po­rary Lux­u­ry Childrenswear Pho­tos by Pho­tog­ra­phy by Anastassia Have you ever found a beau­ti­ful fab­ric that was so per­fect that you were afraid to do any­thing with it? A bad design or an errant cut could ruin it for­ev­er (or so you think). This red tweed was def­i­nite­ly such a challenge. Dur­ing a Christ­mas 2014...